What's The Difference Between Plot-driven And Character-driven Novels?

What's the difference between plot-driven and character-driven novels?

In the realm of writing stories

are commonly classified as either plot driven or character driven although in reality most novels encompass elements of both. The main distinction lies in the authors emphasis on narrative development. Lets delve into the contrasts;

The narrative of a story unfolds by delving into the psychological journeys of its characters often placing emphasis on the plot itself. In novels that prioritize character development;

  • The primary focus lies in the character arcs and their emotional growth or transformation.
  • The plot may progress at a pace allowing for, in depth exploration of the characters.
  • It is through the motivations, decisions and inner conflicts of these characters that the story advances.
  • The climax typically revolves around a change or decision made by the characters themselves.

This approach is commonly found in genres such as fiction, romance and dramas.

To grasp these concepts better lets consider the following examples;

  1. Plot Driven Scenario; Imagine a spy thriller where the protagonist must prevent a world threatening event. The narrative centers around the sequence of events leading to a climax where they successfully foil this plan.
  2. Character Driven Scenario; Picture a coming of age tale where personal growth and self discovery take center stage. While events unfold in the background it's truly, about exploring the psychological transformations experienced by our character.

It's crucial to acknowledge that most novels aren't solely focused, on either plot or characters; they often incorporate a combination of both. The categorization depends on what the author chooses to emphasize and what aspect of the story captures readers attention the most.

If you're interested in delving into this topic here are some resources you may find helpful;

  1. "Story Engineering" by Larry Brooks. A book that outlines the elements of novel writing including plot structure and character development.
  2. "The Art of Character; Creating Memorable Characters for Fiction, Film and TV" by David Corbett. A guide that focuses on crafting rounded and believable characters.
  3. Plot versus Character by Jeff Gerke – a book that offers an exploration of the nuances between plot driven and character driven stories.
  4. The Writers Digest Guide to Storytelling Resources – an online guide packed with advice on various storytelling elements, including finding the right balance between plot and characters.

Having an understanding of the distinction, between plot driven and character driven narratives can significantly impact your writing approach. Enhance your reading experience when engaging with novels.Understanding the motivations, behind a story can greatly assist authors in honing their skills. Can enrich readers enjoyment of the novels they decide to immerse themselves in.


1 Other Answers To: "What's The Difference Between Plot-driven And Character-driven Novels?"

What's the difference between plot-driven and character-driven novels?

Plot Focused Novels;

In a plot focused novel the storyline takes precedence. The main events and their cause and effect relationships form the backbone of the story. These novels prioritize what happens over who it happens to. They usually follow an structured sequence of events emphasizing an engaging narrative than in depth character exploration. Key characteristics include;

  • Emphasis on action and events.
  • following story structures like the three act format.
  • Characters may lack complexity but serve their purpose in advancing the plot.
  • Reader engagement is driven by the unfolding of the story and its turns.
  • Endings typically offer satisfying resolutions to the plot.

Considering that plot driven stories prioritize events they are well suited for genres such, as crime fiction, spy thrillers and epic fantasy where world building and intricate plots take stage.

Character Focused Novels;

In contrast a character focused novel primarily delves into the lives of its characters. The storys direction is shaped by the journeys of the characters their personal growth or lack thereof. Of the events, in the narrative driving the characters it is the way around. Key aspects include;

  • A focus on developing and evolving characters.
  • The plots progression heavily relies on the choices made by the characters and their emotional transformations.
  • The internal conflicts and transformations of the characters take stage.
  • Reader engagement arises from forming a connection with the characters and following their journeys.
  • Endings may prioritize resolving a characters journey than concluding a specific event.

Character driven narratives are often found in fiction, contemporary dramas and romance novels where there is an emphasis on character growth and personal stories.

A Balanced Approach;

It's important to note that a strict division between plot driven and character driven novels doesn't always apply. Many novels blend both elements to create an satisfying story. Dynamic plots can challenge characters while developed characters can add depth to even action packed plots.

Exploring New Perspectives;

Considering genres beyond associations can lead to insights into the ongoing debate, between plot and character development. For instance;

  • in a superhero story that focuses heavily on the plot adding complexity to the characters can introduce themes of morality and identity.
  • On the hand in a family drama that centers around relationships a significant event (plot) can still be used as a catalyst, for character development and interaction.

Practical Applications;

For writers understanding the difference between plot driven and character driven novels can shape their approach to outlining, structuring scenes and creating character or story arcs. As, for readers recognizing these distinctions can help them choose books that align with their preferences and enhance their reading experience by aligning with the authors intended focus.

Ultimately whether someone enjoys an action packed roller coaster ride or prefers a dive into characters acknowledging the distinction enhances both the creation and enjoyment of literature while appreciating the skill involved in each storytelling style.