What Are The Best Practices For Writing About Diverse Characters?

What are the best practices for writing about diverse characters?

Crafting a novel that truly captures the experiences of humanity

requires us to approach characters from backgrounds, cultures and identities with authenticity and respect. Here are some key guidelines to keep in mind when writing about characters;

  • Thorough Research;

    Dive into books, articles, videos and other resources that provide insights, into the culture, identity or experiences of the character you want to portray. It's crucial to grasp the intricacies of their lives and understand the factors that shape their identity.

  • Seek Input from Sensitivity Readers;

    Consider hiring or consulting sensitivity readers who share backgrounds or experiences with your character. Their valuable feedback can help ensure that your portrayal is accurate and respectful.

  • Avoid Stereotypes and Overused Narratives;

    Stay vigilant against perpetuating stereotypes. Instead aim to create characters who have their motivations, desires and agency.

  • Embrace Intersectionality;

    Recognize how different aspects of an individual's identity (such, as race, gender, sexuality, class, disability) intersect and influence their experiences.

  • Celebrate Diversity within Diversity;

    Acknowledge that within any community or group there exists a range of beliefs and experiences. Remember that no single character can fully represent the entirety of a community.

By adhering to these practices when developing characters in your writing project you can authentically reflect the rich tapestry of human existence.

  1. Approach writing with empathy; Put yourself in your characters shoes and focus on capturing their truth. Prioritize portraying their humanity above all else.
  2. Develop rounded characters, with agency; Ensure that diverse characters have their narrative arcs and aren't merely present to support the storylines of central often less diverse, characters.
  3. Provide context when necessary; Give readers information to understand the social backdrop against which your characters act and believe while avoiding overly didactic or information heavy moments.
  4. Show respect for language and names; Pay attention to the use of language, dialects, as accurate spelling and pronunciation of names.
  5. Steer clear of appropriation; It is essential not to appropriate elements, from a culture without permission thereby stripping them of their meaning or using them disrespectfully.

Remember that incorporating diversity into your characters should reflect the reality of our world genuinely. It is not merely a checklist but a sincere effort to create an representative narrative.

In Matthew Salesses book "Craft, in the Real World " he explores how different cultural perspectives can influence the art of storytelling.
Jane Friedman in her work "The Business of Being a Writer " emphasizes the significance of understanding your audience especially when it comes to writing about characters and experiences.
To ensure sensitivity in writing it is recommended to consult resources like Writing in the Margins database (http;//writinginthemargins.org/beta/) for access to sensitivity readers.
If you're a writer aiming to diversify your work organizations like We Need Diverse Books (https;//diversebooks.org/) offer resources and support.

By approaching the portrayal of characters with empathy, respect and a commitment, to growth and learning writers can enhance their stories while positively contributing to broader cultural discussions.


1 Other Answers To: "What Are The Best Practices For Writing About Diverse Characters?"

What are the best practices for writing about diverse characters?

Incorporating Diverse Characters into Your Novel

Adding a range of characters to your novel not only expands its appeal but also reflects the reality of our diverse world. However, it's important to approach this task with sensitivity and understanding. Here are some alternative methods to consider when writing about characters from diverse backgrounds:

1. Authentic Voices

Aim to give your diverse characters voices that truly resonate with their backgrounds. This can involve understanding their expressions, communication patterns, and speech rhythms.

2. Rounded Character Profiles

Go beyond surface level diversity details. Create comprehensive backstories for your characters. While their culture, race, or background may shape their worldview, it should not solely define them.

3. Diverse Beta Readers

In addition to consulting sensitivity readers, engaging a group of beta readers from diverse backgrounds can provide perspectives on how you portray diverse characters.

4. Contextual Understanding

Be mindful of the social context surrounding the communities you depict especially when writing fiction or stories set in real world locations.

5. Explore the works of authors who share their experiences

One effective way to gain insights into perspectives is by reading books written by authors who come from those specific communities. These authors, known as "Voices," bring a sense of authenticity and richness to their characters' portrayals.

6. Seek guidance from experts

If possible, seek the expertise of consultants who can provide deep knowledge and valuable insights into communities and experiences that may be unfamiliar to you.

7. Recognize power dynamics

Be aware of existing power dynamics and inequalities that can influence the lives and interactions of your characters. This awareness will help you create nuanced characters and meaningful relationships among them.

8. Engage in writing workshops

Consider attending writing workshops dedicated to promoting diversity and inclusivity in literature. These workshops offer opportunities to learn from experts in the field and receive feedback on how to depict diverse characters.

9. Immerse yourself in the culture you're writing about

Whenever feasible, try immersing yourself in the culture you're depicting through your writing. Participate in community events, visit museums, watch films, listen to music, or explore art forms that can provide an understanding of your characters' cultural backgrounds.

10. Acknowledge your limitations

It's perfectly acceptable to acknowledge when a character's experience lies beyond your understanding or lived realities. When faced with situations you have two options; invest time in research or evaluate whether this particular character is the best fit for your story.

Additional Resources

  • Explore Own Voices Literature: Dive into works written by authors who belong to the community you are writing about. This will provide perspectives.
  • Participate in Online Writing Workshops: Organizations like Writers Digest often organize workshops and webinars specifically focused on writing characters.
  • Immerse Yourself in Cultural Experiences: Websites like Airbnb sometimes offer opportunities for immersion that can aid in understanding and describing settings.
  • Engage with Social Media Groups and Forums: Join writing groups on platforms such as Reddit or Facebook that emphasize inclusivity and diversity in writing.
  • Consult Diversity Style Guides: Resources like The Diversity Style Guide (http://www.diversitystyleguide.com/) provide guidance on using accurate language.

Writing characters requires a learning process and an open-minded approach. By seeking understanding and portraying each character as an individual, writers can create stories that are rich in diversity while maintaining a compelling narrative.