How Do I Handle Criticism And Negative Feedback On My Writing?

How do I handle criticism and negative feedback on my writing?

Dealing with criticism and negative feedback

Dealing with criticism and negative feedback about your writing is an aspect of growing as an author and honing your craft. Here are a few steps to effectively manage and benefit from criticism;

  • Take a moment before responding; It's natural to feel defensive or upset when receiving criticism. Give yourself some time to process the feedback before reacting.
  • Distinguish between yourself and your work; Your writing represents your work. It doesn't define your entire self worth. Critiques should be seen as evaluations of the work itself than attacks.
  • Consider the source; Evaluate who is providing the feedback. Is it a trusted beta reader, a member of your writing group, an editor, or an anonymous reader? The perspective and expertise of the source can influence how you evaluate their feedback.
  • Identify themes; If multiple readers are highlighting issues it suggests that there may be areas in your writing that require further attention.
  • Recognize criticism; Not all criticism is valuable or helpful. Constructive criticism provides suggestions for improvement while destructive criticism tends to be vague and personal, in nature. Focus on the type of feedback.
  • Learn from it; If the criticism is valid use it as an opportunity to grow and enhance your skills. Take this chance to refine your writing style or make certain plot points clearer.
  • Seek clarification; If you find yourself unsure, about the feedback or needing explanation feel free to engage in a dialogue with your critic provided they are open to discussing their comments.
  • Stay true to your vision; Sometimes feedback may not align with your vision. It's important to remain adaptable. Recognize when its necessary to stand firm on elements that are crucial for your story.
  • Maintain perspective; Not every piece of writing will resonate with every reader. Be receptive, to feedback. Remember that some level of subjectivity always comes into play.
  • Express gratitude; Remember that most individuals who take the time to provide feedback genuinely want to assist you in succeeding. Show appreciation for their time and insights even if you decide not to incorporate all of their suggestions.
  • Continue Writing; The more you engage in writing the more your skills will. You'll develop a resilience, towards criticism. Use it as motivation to keep progressing.
  • Seek Support; Connecting with writers can bring solace and fresh perspectives. They understand the challenges you face. Can provide guidance and encouragement.

Ultimately dealing with criticism requires a balance of being receptive to learning while maintaining confidence, in your abilities and creative vision. Every accomplished writer has encountered feedback at some point. What distinguishes them is their ability to handle it gracefully and leverage it to enhance their craft. If you're looking for guidance you may find the following resources helpful;

  • Consider reading "On Writing; A Memoir of the Craft”, by Stephen King. In this book King shares advice on writing. Also discusses how to handle feedback. You can find it here; link to Stephen Kings website.
  • Another great book to explore is "Bird by Bird; Some Instructions on Writing and Life" by Anne Lamott. It delves into the aspects of writing. Provides insights on dealing with feedback. You can check it out here; link to Penguin Random House.
  • Participating in writing workshops or classes can offer opportunities to receive feedback and learn from others in an environment.
  • Online writing communities like Scribophile ( or Absolute Write Water Cooler ( provide platforms for writers to share their work critique others and foster growth through feedback.
  • If you're seeking critiques of your work organizations, like the Editorial Freelancers Association (https://www.the can connect you with professional editors who offer counseling services.

These resources can offer support in honing your writing skills and navigating the world of feedback.


1 Other Answers To: "How Do I Handle Criticism And Negative Feedback On My Writing?"

How do I handle criticism and negative feedback on my writing?

Facing criticism and negative feedback regarding your writing can be challenging,. It can also be a part of the creative journey. Here's a guide, on how to approach it with resilience and a proactive mindset;

  • **Adopt a Growth Mindset**; of perceiving criticism as a setback embrace it as an opportunity for growth. A growth mindset allows you to view feedback as a tool for learning.
  • **Evaluate the Feedback**; Remember that not all feedback is equally relevant or helpful. Learn to differentiate between feedback, which offers suggestions, for improvement and unhelpful criticism which may lack clarity or be based solely on personal opinion.
  • **Establish Boundaries**; It's essential to know when to open yourself up to critique and when to set boundaries especially when dealing with unconstructive feedback.
  • **Explore Examples of Critique**; Reading critiques of works or participating in sessions where critique is given can help desensitize you to the process and teach you how to discern feedback from mere noise.
  • **Build a Feedback Network**; Surround yourself with trusted individuals whose opinions you value and respect. Establishing a group provides you with sources of constructive criticism.
  • Consider your goals; Connect the feedback with your writing objectives. Does it contribute to telling the story you want or conveying the desired emotion? If not you might not need to take it into account.
  • Experiment, with making changes; If the feedback resonates with you try implementing the suggested revisions. Sometimes you'll be surprised at how a piece evolves through revision.
  • Build up your confidence; Remind yourself that receiving feedback is a sign of progress. Each critique brings you closer to becoming a writer.
  • Focus on your growth; Measure your improvement by comparing your work to writings rather than dwelling solely on the criticism you receive.
  • Establish a feedback framework; Develop a system for categorizing feedback based on aspects such as plot, characterization and pacing. This can help you organize your thoughts and determine which elements to prioritize.
  • Utilize tools for managing emotions; If receiving criticism triggers emotions employ techniques like mindfulness exercises, journaling or seeking guidance, from a mentor to help navigate those feelings.
  • **Don't Forget Your Passion**; It's important to keep your love, for writing alive especially when faced with feedback. By changing how you view criticism and developing strategies to deal with it you can improve your writing skills. Stay motivated.

Here are some additional resources you can explore further;

  • **"Thanks for the Feedback; The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well" by Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen**. This book offers in depth insights into understanding feedback and making the most of it. You can find it here; link to book.
  • **Creative Writing MOOCs**. Massive Open Online Courses, such as those on Coursera ( provide writing classes that involve peer review.
  • **Writers Digest**. A reliable resource offering articles and workshops to assist writers in navigating the world of publishing and critique. Visit their website at
  • **Mindfulness, for Writers**. Practicing meditation techniques can help you stay centered and focused when dealing with feedback challenges. Check out
  • **Critique Circle**. An online writing workshop where you can receive feedback from writers while learning how to handle it positively. Join them at